Monday, October 4, 2010

My Happiness

The past few blogs have mostly been rants. It's probably almost that time of the month, plus the weather sucks. It's everyone elses fault but mine:)

So I decided to post something positive. I had come across a friends blog, and in this blog, she was participating in "The Happiness Project" which she has to post one picture a day of something that makes her happy. I can't do this, because my computer isn't well enough to handle that sort of project, because I'd have to take pictures every day and upload them and save them on the computer then upload them on here. Not possible with my 10 year old piece of trash computer. I have a laptop that is currently totally busted, and it's in serious need of repair, but bills and such come first. ANYWAYS.

I do have a few pictures on my computer, and from the few, I could pick out a few random things that make me happy, so I wanted to post one. I can't fully participate in the Happiness Project, but I can pick out a few random pictures. I'll try to stay away from the obvious things, my son makes me insanely happy, and I could post a goober amount of pictures of him up here, but I wanted to try and capture the small things.

My chicken! Morkie. She's a nut. She has the most awesome personality. And she's completely spoiled. She's managed to totally worm her way into our house and hearts. Some of the things she does makes me laugh even if I'm in the stormiest of moods. She's possessive of us, and bossy, and thinks shes bigger than all of the animals we own. She's more ferocious than our pit bull. She totally thinks of us as her family, she follows us around and insists on sampling every drop of food that we make. She thinks shes a cat/dog/person, doesn't matter..she's Queen B in our house. It tickles me silly if I'm doing laundry and I go from the master bedroom to the garage, and she's just so afraid to let me out of her sight, maybe thinking im going to go eat something? I don't know, but as I'm moving around the house, I can hear her pitty pattering behind me down the hall, hauling butt as fast as she can, its so frickin cute. I can't explain it. Most people think I'm insane for owning a chicken, let alone keeping her in the house, but she's something. You'd have to spend time with her..I hate birds, I fear them, I make wide berth around them, but she's completely won me over.

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