Tuesday, October 19, 2010

alright.. not a happy post:P

having a very bad day..geeze. everything seems to be going against me. from the stupid car payment people getting on my case..to ugh. dont even wanna talk about the issue about my car. im so over those effin people.

OH but something interesting.. i had a cop come by to tell me to turn my music down. what the effin? he couldn't tell me who it was that called but i could clearly see which way his eyes were going..it's the same neighbors that called my landlord to complain about my septic tank. frickin picky people!? the guy rolled his eyes the entire time he was here, and was trying to tell me to turn the bass down but leave it up, he doesnt have a problem with music at the volume it was, just the bass was a little much..you could barely hear the bass so once the bass was off you wouldn't be able to hear it.. so i figured out a little bit ago, how to turn the bass off..but felt petty enough to be ruder. so just to be the bigger witch i opened my windows closer to her, and turned on my surround sound stereo in my bedroom, which is next to her house. and put on some obnoxious rock music. im sure my neighbor is steaming. I went outside and couldn't hear the music anywhere but by over by her house.

I got away from apartment's because of things like that, you would think that I could be able to listen to music in my own place?

I'll post a happiness post when I'm done being a total *itch and calm down.

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