Wednesday, November 24, 2010

relaxing day before thanksgiving

Today was fun, started off by cleaning my kitchen and eating area to prepare for tomorrow, and started making cookies. I found this cute little cookie recipe in a cookbook, i used cardboard to trace my sons hand, as a cookie cutter type shape. with his hands i would trace into the dough and make handshaped cookies, and color the fingers different colors and the body brown and make it a turkey looking thing. the start of the recipe required mixing things then cooling it in the fridge for 2 hours..stephen sat at the kitchen table with a bunch of thanksgiving printouts i printed out for him, coloring and cutting them out to "decorate" our house for thanksgiving, he was so cute and so helpful. when i started rolling and cutting the cookies out he had to have his own little batch of dough and cut his own cookies out. he was too cute. after i was done my neighbor who has a 2 year old boy came over for a little while, he and stephen played for a long time while the neighbor and I chatted. I had a lot of fun with my adult conversation. she is a little bit younger than me, and i found out way too much about the personal life of her family, but I enjoyed it. It was refreshing. she had to leave, her son is still in the nap i finished cooking and decorating my cookies, which came out okay..i havent tasted them yet, hopefully they are decent tasting. they look kinda cute, of course when i covered it with foil i screwed up some of the decorations, but i got pictures before I did that.

just as i started cleaning up she came back over, and i changed out of my flour covered clothes, and we went down to the park, talked for a while then made it over to the basketball court and shot hoops. I used to love playing basketball, so did's been years since i've played, but i had a lot of fun, and man im worn out.

jesse made it to work late today and forgot his grocery list that i gave him, so while we were on our way home, jesse drove by..then we went and braved the grocery store, the day before thanksgiving. it was insane. got what i needed and we went home. i cooked dinner, the neighbor came back over to borrow our shower (her water pump busted it's being fixed right now though) and chatted some more, then left. Shes gunna swing by tomorrow with her son to spend a few minutes of thanksgiving with us.

it was really fun to play basketball, of course im sore now. no exercise. hehe, but i think we might try getting together in the mornings after stephen is off to school and start walking..both of us want to get some exercise, and with the two of us it's a little more safer in this neighborhood.

right now im online printing out recipes for tomorrow and stressing about it, what to cook and when, but i'm kinda excited to cook my first every thanksgiving dinner, hopefully it will turn out alright.

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