Monday, October 11, 2010

Rare good moods!

I have been in pretty rare good moods lately.. Odd considering that one insane time of the month of females is coming up, and usually I'm unapproachable, very in fact..if you live within 10 miles from me, I'd watch out or your head will get cut off.

I actually have several happinesses I could share (I know that's not a word, sue me) and I'm trying really hard to control posting all of them in one day, because the good mood could wear off at any second, and I could turn a complete 180, and I'll need to save one or two for a rainy day.

I'll start off with Stephen. Stephen is five.. he's totally independent, if I were able to, I'd change his name from Stephen to "Mr. independent hardheaded stubborn knowitall" He's a total mini-me. Watching him grow up is like watching myself grow up, and I give major kudos to my mom for keeping her sanity as long as she has (don't tell her that, I like her to think that I've thought she was insane all along) One of his things..he LOVESLOVESLOVES making a mess, and loves it even more if mommy gets fed up of that mess and cleans up after him. One of his favorite pastimes happens to also be talking back. (or just plain talking..he doesn't know how to be me, if I could figure out how to post a recording on here, I'd record a typical car ride and you'd be like..holy effin cow!) I'm surprised I'm not totally bald right now from ripping my hair out with dealing with him when he's in one of his "I-didn't-make-that-mess therefore I-dont-have-to-clean-it-up!" type moods when he points fingers to everyone from the chicken to daddy and blames it on daddy's sleepwalking habits. Yesterday, my husband in his brilliance, decided to turn tables on him. Stephen woke up in the wee hours of the morning, and decided to pull a chair, (ever so quietly so that my husband and I wouldn't wake up) over to the fridge, where we store his Pirate Sandbox.. this annoying toy that I would LOVELOVELOVE to throw away. It's a miniature sandbox, with annoying blue sand, that he can pretend is water, and play with the pirate boats and figures that came with it. It's a nice idea, since he loves sand, and is currently obsessed with anything pirate..except its MESSY! So he had a ball playing with this sandbox, leaving behind a disaster in my kitchen, blue sand everywhere, tiny miniature sand. The sand that a broom will not pick up easily.

My husband decided that Stephen will be picking this sand up, instead of mommy, cause usually it works out to where mommy or daddy cleans up while Stephen is happily playing away in his room, even if he's in time out, he finds something to play with, and I can't very well cut off his fingers and toes even though he plays with those. So, Stephens chore was to clean up his mess, while mommy and daddy played. My contribution to this, was that if I found one speck of sand, for every speck of sand I found, I would donate one toy of his to some other child. So..while my five year old son slaved away in the kitchen, my husband and I pulled up chairs to a table in the living room to watch, got sodas and chips and proceeded to play several hands of rummy.

end result? clean kitchen, mommy beating daddies behind in rummy 2-1, and a very very happy mommy that she didn't have to slave in the kitchen, her five year old did it for her.

ps. please don't call children were harmed in the making of this photo..

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