Friday, October 22, 2010

It's here! pt 2

So part 2 of my previous blog.

There's my happiness! A wonderful surprise in the mail..not one but two books..brad spankin new and one of the authors I enjoy! I also got two bookmarks for Nancy's book La Vida Vampire.. I'm very happy. I started reading Blonde with a Wand this morning.

Also part of my happiness of yesterday that's boiled over into today.. my dear husband brought me a surprise home also..he got me a mushy hallmark card, just cause..and a big chocolate bar (which i am eating right now) and a cream soda (my secret vice..i love cream soda!) and the soda was gone in five minutes flat.. so I got two surprises in one day, and both surprises are going to give me much happiness for today, so I am cheating, and using it for today's happiness too..unless something cool happens later.

Happy Friday everyone, enjoy the day and hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, I'm thrilled that winning the drawing meant so much to you! I love giving surprises, and I'm tickled they gave you joy!

    Nancy Haddock
