Saturday, May 19, 2018

Slightly broken

I'm slightly broken, that's the verdict!  I've gotten more testing, blood work, and I even got a MRI of my knee, finally.  I have been dealing with my knee since September.  I saw an orthopedic and went through therapy, and a shot, and it still hurts just as bad if not worse.  So here are some results, copy and pasted from my patient portal.  There's a lot of mumbo jumbo that if you don't work in the medical field might make your eyes cross.

My lab results:
The bold is the result, and the number beside it are the range, so all of these are not good

Calcium, Serum/Plasma 5/3/2018 11.60 mg/dL 8.6- 10.3
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) 5/3/2018 50.00 U/L 13-39
ALT/SGPT 5/3/2018 56.00 U/L 7-52
Alkaline Phosphatase 5/3/2018 165.00 U/L 34- 104

She tested deeper into the Alkaline Phosphatase
Alkaline Phosphatase, Tot and Iso,S
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 200 H U/L 37 - 98
Liver 1 % 24.1 L % 27.8-76.3
Liver 1 48.2 IU/L 16.2-70.2
Liver 2 % 5.1 % 0.0-8.0
Liver 2 10.2 H IU/L 0.0-5.8
Bone % 70.8 H % 19.1-67.7
Bone 141.6 H IU/L 12.1-42.7
Intestine % 0.0 % 0.0-20.6
Intestine 0.0 IU/L 0.0-11.0
Placental NotPresent Not present

She wanted me to see a rhuematologist, because the bone levels are high, indicating something like bone cancer, pagets disease. 

She also tested deeper into the elevated Calcium
Calcium, Serum/Plasma 5/11/2018 12.50 mg/dL 8.6- 10.3
Ionized Calcium 5/11/2018 1.69 mmol/L 1.12-1.32

and Finally she tested my PTH levels (parathyroid)
PTH Intact 5/11/2018 160.00 pg/mL 12-88

so basically my liver levels, my alkaline phosphatase and my PTH are all linked and indicate hyperparathyroidism.  Shes hoping that its also the cause of the bone issues, and may be the cause of my knee problems (which is why she ordered the MRI)  I'm waiting on a referral to a endocrinologist to see about this.

My MRI results:

IMPRESSION: 1. There is a lobulated T1 hypointense, T2 hyperintense lesion within the distal right femur which is suspected to be a cartilage-containing lesion. There is patchy surrounding T1 hypointense, T2 hyperintense marrow signal which could represent a portion of the lesion that is out of phase or may represent sequela of patchy red marrow (which is also seen in the proximal tibia). However, chondrosarcoma is not completely excluded in this case and needs to be considered. 2. Oblique undersurface horizontal tear of the posterior horn and body of the medial meniscus. 3. Small joint effusion. 4. Partially ruptured popliteal cyst with fluid extending along the proximal medial gastrocnemius

sounds pretty yuck right?  yeah, so basically I have meniscus tear, runners knee, a partially ruptured cyst, and some other lesion looking things, and the chondrosarcoma is basically a cancer thing.  So they would have to rule that out.  I do have an appointment with a new orthopedic on june 7th to follow up with this.

Thats pretty much my update, I'm still on my diet, still working out, I did a 4 week challenge, that I really improved on, my numbers were amazing, (copy and paste from a facebook post):  April 17th I did a 17.51 mile, today i did 14.51. April 17th i did 5 pushups today I did 16. April 17th I did 18 situps, today I did 47. I know I lost 9 point something lbs but dunno exactly.

waiting on the results of who won the challenge, last week was kinda awful because it stormed every single day.  didnt have my fitcamp:(

I hope to keep everyone updated more often, All of this was just a LOT to process so I took some time to reflect and let it soak in.  

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