I'm watching a movie, it's called Side Effects. Basically it's about a girl who suffers from depression, she goes on all sorts of anti-depression medications until she gets on a new one, which causes her to sleep walk. While sleepwalking, she kills her husband. In this movie, the person was prescribed the medication. it kinda goes wierd after that, i wont talk too much about the ending, but the beginning and middle, really hit home.
I don't talk too much about the things that my ex husband did. He abused pills. Mostly stuff like temazepam. but he would take anything and everything he could get his hands on. Over the counter stuff was taken like candy. Most of the time he would black out and sleep walk. The things he did, he never hurt me, but he could have, it could have went the way things went in the movies. There were times when I walked in on him doing weird things. Once I caught him putting dawn dish detergent on a shoe, and putting it in the oven. It happened in the wee hours of the night. If I had been asleep, and not up all night following him around during his black out, would the shoe have caught fire?
How many times was he high and blacked out on medications when he was driving me or my son around? he was high on temazepam when he drove home from daytona and cracked my car up. Why didn't the cops see it, and arrest him?
The day that was the final day of our relationship, the day of thanksgiving, when I got the call that he OD'd on the side of the road, and he was watching Stephen, it came out later that he was driving places, he went to his drug dealers house a few times, with stephen in the car. He doesn't remember doing it.
I look at my son now, the choices I made then, even though I was kinda stuck, with no car and job and stuff, I made it out. I look at my son now, and I see a content happy little boy. By the grace of God, we made it through that, all the close calls, and probably couldas and what ifs. we made it through, and we're alive, and well and happy.
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