Thursday, February 23, 2012

Emerald Cards from HR Block- my review

**Disclaimer** my laptop/keyboard is fritzing on me, soif you notice that some words have letters missing out of them, or the space doesn't work..its NOT my fault, its almost like I type too fast for my laptop to keep up, and im too impatient to keep backspacing. thanks.

so..HR Block..

I think it sucks. I go to HR Block, I have for years, only because every time I try and do it myself, it ends in disaster. last year I tried to file my self, then gave up and went to HR Block, and found that I would have lost about 2k last year, had I filed the way I thought I should. This year, instead of filing for myself, because I had no clue about what to do, my divrce was finalized 1/31/12, I was in the middle of last name changes, I had no idea what to file as and who to file as. So back to HR Block I went.

My experience was horrible. They had no clue either, they were confused as to if I should file married but seperated or whatever, or single, or they even tried to get me to go get my ex husband and file jointly. yeah im SO doing that one. so they finally determined to file me as single, and I think just from this debate alone, I will probably be audited, and im hesitant to spend one single penny I get from my taxes in fear that I'll have to pay something back. they weren't interested in my student loan tax form, and they weren't interested in my moving expenses. o course I didn't work this past year, except my part time job that screwed up my withholdings, so I didn't get earned income tax credit or anything, so my amount I got back was like, so tiny.

this year I also opted to go ahead and do the emerald card. bigbigbig mistake. not only was the fee insane for HR block, which every year prior wasokay with me, because if I got the extra 2k I woulda lost by filing myself, it woulda been okay, but this year I had to pay out my behind fees for Hr Block, I opted for the card cause it woulda came two weeks sooner than a check or direct deposit. of course the IRS didn't cooperate with me, and had a delay I shoulda just went with a direct deposit.

so today as I was bank shopping, I decided to try and prepare myself to withdraw the money out of the card..i went to several ATMs, most atms believe it or notonly have a 200-300 the fees would amount to 5 bucks to withdraw if I wanted to withdraw 600 bucks thats 10 bucks! geeze! it was insane. tihs card is definately NOT for someone who wants to just take all the money out and pay bills or split up to put in accounts, or whatever..this card is for smoeone who will use it as a debit card..cause getting the entire amount off, is going to be a really tough thing.

the cheapest place Ive found, is walmart..their money center will take up to 1k out at a time..with a 3 dollar fee. you can only take out 3k a day. so no matter what I do, If I want my hands on the full amount,I have to be prepared to loose some of my hard earned money, money I deserve.

so not only do I loose out n the HR block fees, but I loose out on the fee's its going to cost me to physically hold cash in my hands. and HR block won't do anything about the rediculous fees that they charged me to have my money early, because the IRS delay was out of their hans, and their estimated date is exactly that, a estimation date.

grr. never again. I need to find someone who is awesome and cheap for next year.

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