Thursday, January 13, 2011

doing well

doing well on my diet thing..doing WW points, which has been hard since its been hard to get to a store and buy the usual dieting things like fat free stuff, but ive been making do. Every night after dinner I get on the wii for 45 minutes or so and play on the wii fit, last night we dragged the treadmill into the living room that used to be my moms, and we were keeping to sell, so ive been using it. 35 minutes last night, 45 tonight, plus wii time. i had about 6 days where i didnt do the wii, but i think since i started the diet, ive lost maybe 5 pounds, which i think is awesome, cause for a while i was doing just light working out on the wii, and for a few days i didnt do it at all, ive been trying to be more active, and it does help that we don't have a car. we've needed to fax things the past few days, which we found out the bait shop down the road will fax for us, depending on who is there, and its free, today we had to walk there two-three times. So that is one plus to not having a car, we're walking places more. The first few days was the hardest, because not only did I quit sweets, I quit caffeine, my poor family had to deal with that. And i've had a few rough days since, im a huge stress eater, but it smooths itself out. im proud of myself

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