Tuesday, July 27, 2010

i'm a grandma of unhatchable eggs!

is it illogical of me to be proud that my hen has started laying eggs? I have a hen.. after months of thinking I had a rooster. Mork is now a Morkette, she has started laying eggs. two so far in the house, one in her coop outside..it may explain her irrational behavior at the coop, she cannot stand to be there anymore and thinks she owns our house. we were told she was a rooster. ive read a few stories on the internet about if a mate dies, sometimes the left behind chicken can change sex..so who knows? im obsessed with the eggs..i spent most of my night last night speculating on when she would lay another egg, looking at her butt..i think she knew it too cause if she saw me, she'd automatically turn her behind to me. she didn't lay it until about midmorning this morning then started making horrible racket afterwards.. jesse and i were like holy cow! but I guess if someone had to push a egg out of a tiny hole that you usually use to go to the bathroom you'd be yelling in relief too after it came out.

im stephenless for a few days! my aunt's best friend, who is much like a honorary aunt to me, has taken him off my hands. her family is down and they have a five year old girl for stephen to play with, and a pool..so im sure he will have a nice time..and its a nice little breather for me. I love him, but sometimes he's way too much like me, we butt heads a lot.

other than that..all is quiet on the homefront. jesse and I have reached a peaceful point. its still a little tense, im not as quick to forgive and forget this time, probably best if i dont anyways. but at least we are on the right track

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